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Remember the smiles of the child
The joy before life becomes wild
Remember the kisses and the flattery
The cuteness that made her lovely
Look deep into your memory
Ask yourself : "what did I see"?
Take your time and reflect on the past
Come with at least a word at last
Recall the moments when it was all about her
When you weren't afraid of the filth in the diaper
Recall the moments of constant fondling
Relive the excitement of the gentle touching
Now ask yourself :what's the matter?
yes. Question yourself about the past
Look at what she became later
Do you still cherish the child that became older?
Remember the days when you couldn't sleep
You were worried every time she did weep
Remember when she first said your name
You were so happy like it was ultimate fame
Please,show her that this love hasn't faded
Don't give up on her, love what you procreated
The darling needs to smile again
For God's sake,she would love to smile again
Wake her up right now and say: I still love you
Hug her and say: I still care about you.


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